Apple has recently introduced the latest iOS version that is 15.0.2. The new update will bring out efficiency as it offers better performance with some bug fixes. The list of bugs that have been fixed includes security flaws and Find My. The latest update on the iPhone 12 mini is around 531.1MB.
Also Read: How to Customize Your Safari Start Page in iOS 15
Apart from this, the latest update brings a solution to AirTag’s not appearing issue, the Apple CarPlay issue, and many others. The new update is compatible with iPhone 6s and above models, whereas, for iPads, the compatible devices are the Pro model, Air 2, and all the newer ones. The iOS 15 version was introduced on September 20th which already got the 15.0.1 update to fix bugs, now that with the 15.0.2 version it is expected to have better performance errors fixed.
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