Tech News
Android vs. iOS – Which Operating System Is More Secure?
In today’s interconnected world, Android and iOS security have become the prime focus in the realm of technology. However,...
CamScanner Removed from Play Store for Hosting Malware
With over 100 million downloads, CamScanner is believed to be one of the most well-known scanning applications available on...
Issues Associated with Windows 10 Update Confirmed by Microsoft
The issues related to Windows 10 updates have recently resulted in a lot of apprehensions amongst Windows users. It’s the...
Top Positive And Negative Effects Of Social Media
Social media has become the ultimate superior entity that hangs above all of us. It is used by everyone, exploited by some and...
Facebook May Not Launch Bitcoin Rival Cryptocurrency Libra in India
Facebook’s Libra coin isn’t even out yet, and it has already being awaited by many. There have been many rumors and info...
Most Pressing Problems With Drone Delivery
Drones were supposed to be our future, but now they have become our present. They are all around us, be it for military...
WhatsApp Still Isn’t Safe: 5 Things You Must Know Before Using The...
With a massive number of users exchanging approximately 65 billion messages daily, WhatsApp has undoubtedly become one of the...
Here’s Everything About Secret Facebook Messenger
What are Facebook's “Secret Conversations”?It is not that your messages on Facebook Messenger aren’t secure,...
Instagram Launches New Feature To Discourage Cyberbullying
Something to look forward to: In such a fast-moving market, social media has become an integral part of all of our lives. We...