Telegram has recently rolled out a new update where the company has filled the loopholes which users wanted. The new update of the Telegram has Video calling features which it earlier lacked. Now the users can easily Video chat with a group of people from their mobile, tablet, and other compatible devices.

Using the new update user can easily pin a person on the center of the screen while calling and can even make it full screen. The update is available for iOS, Android, and desktop as the user can add up to 30 people in a video call.

Apart from the video calling feature, Telegram has added new animated backgrounds and message animations for a better aesthetic look. The new update also has a moving interface that moves when you receive or send a message. Telegram also claims that the user will witness less battery consumption as compared to other applications.

The company also stated that the user will have the freedom to change and customize the interface as per requirements. The user also gets a great feature like noise suspension in voice chats. This feature will help in offering better and clear sound irrespective of the place the user is. The user has the freedom to use this feature, as they can easily turn it on or off from the settings tab.

After the tweet of Tesla and SpaceX CEO, the employees have switched to Telegram and other WhatsApp alternatives which offer chat security. Telegram is one of the most preferred applications after WhatsApp that can be proved by looking at the number of users.

Also Read: How To Delete/Deactivate Your Telegram Account Permanently

Telegram was launched in 2013 by two brothers from Russia named Nikolai and Pavel Durov. Both the brothers owned the biggest social network company in Russia that is ‘VK’. Since its launch in 2013, the company has added many features to fight against its competitor. The only feature which was missing for a long time was the video call feature which also has been added in this update.

The desktop app also got some new features, the list of features includes:

  • The new update offers users with the freedom to screen share selective applications only like a video player or a web browser.
  • In the new update, Voice chat will open in a new window
  • The person sharing the screen will be pinned on the screen so that users don’t get confused about the speaker.

The new update is available for Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS devices.

Tanmay Sharma

Tanmay is a technical writer from the field of mass communication. He aims to communicate the best of the technology to the readers through his write ups. If not writing you can find him with his camera capturing nature and exploring the unexplored world.

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